Court Rolls

Collected here are just the Chobham entries covering Edward III’s reign – 1327 to 1348.  I am grateful to the Surrey Records Society which translated the court rolls from the Latin and published them.  The paragraph numbers refer to the entries in the Society’s publications.   These publications can be examined in full in the Surrey History Centre.

This is a fairly long page; you may prefer to use your browser’s edit/find feature to find what you want.  But beware, the spelling used is the original spelling and hence searching using today’s spelling are unlikely to be successful.

A word of explanation about the entries.  The Abbey collected revenue by collecting fees (fines) for each recorded change and the best animal (heriot) whenever someone died and the tenancy passed to another.   The Chertsey court covered only those aspects relating to the economic affairs of the manor; the inheritance of land, the granting of leases, the regulation of ploughing, encroachments on the common and highway, and the control of common grazing.  Chertsey Abbey was effectively the lord of the manor and hence the court was held at Chertsey and was recorded in the court rolls (literally rolls of parchment).   These have come down to us today in the form of the Chertsey Cartulary – a fascinating insight into the lives of people in the 14th century.  

But not everything is recorded here since there was another court, the Church Court which covered church attendance, marriages and the payment of tithes.  Once Chobham became a parish in the 13th century, this court was held locally.

27. Grant to Robert le Shephurde of cottage previously held of Adam Foghel of Frimley. Rent: 12d. per annum. Fine:10s. Pledges: John le Mareschal, Henry Cuttemere.

28. Admission of William de Forde, minor, to free land of late father. Mother, Emma, paid relief and made guardian. Relief : 14s. 2d. Pledges : John de Arderne, Henry de Thorpe.

29. Admission of Ralph de Eston, aged 10, to land of late father. Mother guardian. Fine: 12d. Pledges: William atte Stone, William atte Byrchette.

30. Claim of Dionysius de Bonenhulde to cottage of late mother, which escheated to Abbot at her death. Appeal to Roll of first year of rule of Brother William de Abyndon, Seneschal. Claim that Simon de Forde had acquired cottage of Hugh le Taylour, and enfeoffed Agnes and Dionysius. Fine of 6d. paid for search of roll. Heriot : heifer, value 5s. Fine: 2s. Pledges: John atte Hurst, Stephen atte Groue.

31. Admission of Ralph atte Byrchette to 1/2 acre of land at le Byrchette, surrendered by his wife, Christina. To be tenant-at-will for lives of both, with remainder to heirs of wife. Fine: 10s. Pledges: Robert South, William de Faledle, Stephen atte Groue.

32. Grant of licence to Robert South to hold land of his late betrothed, Alice, daughter of Henry Upehulle, nativus of lord, at will in villeinage. Fine: 6s. 8d. Pledges: Henry Upehulle, John le Mareschal, Robert le Tourner, Henry Cuttemere.

33. Grant to Dionysius, son of Agnes de Bonenhulde to hold cottage and curtilage of late mother. Fine : 2s. Pledges : John atte Hurst, Stephen atte Groue.

34. Admission of William de Cousshate to land of late father. Heriot none, because land purpresture. Fine : 8d. relief, and 6d. to Almonry. Pledge : Walter de Bradele.

35. Admission of John le Mareschal to cottage surrendered by Matilda, daughter of Adam atte Marsshe of Frimley. Cottage used to be held by Gunnilda le Mareschal and Alice and Agnes le Mareschal. Fine 6s. 8d. Pledges : Robert Wylecous, Henry Upehulle.

36. Grant by John le Mareschal to Matilda atte Marsshe, of cottage (No. 35) for life, on payment of 3d. per annum rent.


73. Note of death of Alice and Gunnilda le Mareschall who held a cottage. Heriot : a milch cow, value 7s. and mare, value 1/2 mark.

74. Note of death of John le Wynd, who held quarter virgate. Tenement to remain in lord’s hands. Heriot: draught-animal, value 3s.: 4d.

75. Note of death of John de Whytewelle who held half virgate. Heriot : draught-animal, value 3s. Fine: respite, because nothing in tenement except what is wife’s.

CHOBHAM. ff. . 14v.-I5v.

102. Admission of. Robert de Bourstowe to meadow called le Garston, of holding of late William Cuttemere, surrendered by John le Smyth of Frimley as Robert already holds the rest of Cuttemere’s holding. Fine 12d. Pledges: John de Bourstowe, Henry Cuttemere.

103. Grant to Walter le Wynde of tenement held by late John le Wunde, villein although previous decision made to retain it in demesne, and for beadle to account for issues. Fine: 6d.

104. Distraint for rent of butte of land at la Slade, which John de Arderne had held without paying rent. Now granted to him for 1d. per annum rent. Fine: pardoned by lord.

105. Admission of Walter, son of John le Wynde, to land of late brother, John, in villeinage. Fine: 10s. Pledges : William atte Felde, Walter atte Mulle.

106. Grant by Walter le Wynde to William atte Felde, by licence of lord, of Walter’s tenement for nine years, on ground of impotency of Walter. Pledges : William atte Stone, Walter atte Mulle.

107. Admission of John atte Groue to villein-land, amount unstated. Fine: 3s. 4d. Pledge: Gilbert Olof.

108. Admission of John atte Hegge to land of late father, Gilbert. Fine: 6d. Pledges : Gilbert Olof, Robert de Fellegh.

109. Admission of Walter South to villein-land surrendered by his father, who is to hold it for life. Fine : 20s Pledges : William atte Lane, William atte Stone.

110. Licence to Henry atte Marshe to enclose 1 rood of land at Frimley next house of John le Smyth. Fine : 18d. Increase of rent: 1d. Pledges : Robert atte Marsshe, Robert Wylecous.

111. Admission of Mariota, widow, of William le Longe, to cottage of late husband; who died without heirs ; cottage had escheated to lord. Now widow admitted by lord’s special grace, to hold to her and her daughter, Christina, for lives of both. Fine: 5s. Increase of rent : 1/2d Pledges : Walter atte Mulle, Robert South.

112. Admission of Walter de Chabeham, minor, to holding of late father, for which he paid 1 mark rent per annum. Mother made guardian. Heriot : a steer. Relief: 13s. 4d.

113. Admission of Adam le Cartere to land surrendered by Edith, widow of Richard Sampson, consisting of 1 place of enclosed purpresture with buildings on it, next land of Adam, and 1 piece of moor, of holding of Giilbert le Cartere, which he gave Edith, next the purpresture. Fine 12d. Increase of rent : 1/2d. Pledges : Walter atte Folde, Walter atte Mulle.

CHOBHAM. ff. 20r. v., 21r. v.

172. Admission of Thomas to 1/2 virgate held by late father, William. Heriot : in patet ” [sic) m previous Court. Fine: 6s. 8d. Pledges : Robert Robe John le Mareschal.

173. Licence to Henry le Maron betrothed to Juliana, widow of Gilbert Nywemme, and have custody of her lands in villeinage. Fine: 40d. Pledges: Robert Wylecous William atte Stonhulle.

174. Licence to Robert Hoppegame to be betrothed to Matilda, widow of Ralph de Chalney nativus of lord, and have custody of her, land in villeinage. Fine: 40d. Pledge: John Pentecost.

175. Admission of Juliana and Christina, daughters of William atte Stone, to cottage at Godemanespole, surrendered by their father. Fine 6d. Increase of rent: 1d. Pledges: William atte Stone, Walter atte Mulle.

176. Admission of Gilbert atte Lane to land surrendered by William de Faledle : a croft containing 2 acres of Faledle’s holding, called Ridecroft, and Morhaghe. In villeinage. Fine : 2s. Increase of rent : 1d. Pledges: Robert South, Walter atte Mulle.

177. Admission of Walter le Erye aged 8, to half virgate of villeinland held by late father. Mother made guardian. Heriot : cow, value 8s. Fine : 6s. 8d. Pledges : John atte Hurst,.

178. Admission of William Wade to cottage of purpresture held by late Adam le Dissher, called atte Marsshe, father of Matilda Wade’s betrothed. In villeinage. Heriot : horse, value 18d. Fine : 3s. 4d. Pledges : John. le Mareschall, Robert le Turnour.

179. Admission of John Opehulle, son of Robert Walkilyn to 1/2 virgate in Frimley, surrendered by Robert Opehulle, his brother, in villeinage. Frimley : 6s. 8d. Pledges : Henry Vpehulle, John le Mareschal, Robert Vpehulle, Robert le Tourner.

180. Admission of John de Bradele to quarter virgate once held by Walter de Bradele, brother of John, before completion of ” Scripti libertatis sue.” Fine : 2s. Pledges : William de Bradele. Robert de Fellegh.

181. Admission of Thomas de Faledele to 1/2 tenement at Faledele and 1/2 villein-land, surrendered by his father, John de Faledele called atte Wode, to hold for 16 years for services and customs pertaining to tenement. Fine: 12d. Pledges: John de Arderne, William de Eston, then Bedell. Promise made by John not to alienate the rest of his holding to Thomas during his lifetime. Witness the Court.

182. Permission to Walter de Bradele, son of William de Bradele, and William de Brok to exchange land. William had purchased all holding of Matilda atte Brok, his sister, and Agnes, his wife, and John, his son; then showed charter of lord, granting licence to exchange 1 purpresture at Goryhale (3 acres) for 1 croft of William de Brok’s land containing 2 1/2 acres called Chetsennescroft. To hold in villeinage. Fine: 2s. Mutual pledges.

183. Licence to John atte Brokeshade and Simon de Wassheforde to exchange land: Simon gives a place of 2 acres in le Suthhaghe for place of 2 acres in Mullefelde. Fine : 3s. 4d.

184. Admission of Walter atte Felde to 1/2 rood of purpresture next Hokeslane. Fine : 12d. Increase of rent : 1d.

185. Admission of Walter atte Frythe to a butte next his tenement at le Frythe containing 11/2 acres. Fine: 2s. Increase of rent: 1d.

186. Admission of William de Brok to 1/2 acre of purpresture next his meadow in Chetsam. Fine: 2s. Increase of rent : 2d.

187. Admission of William de Brok to a piece of 1 rood at Stonyforde, next le Coubrok. Fine : 6d. Increase of rent: 1d.

188. Admission of Robert de Fellegh to a butte of 1/2 rood in la Shere, next Tryllyngforde. Fine: 12d. Increase of rent : 1d.

189. Admission of Simon de Wassheforde to 2 acres of purpresture in Myllefelde. Fine : 2s. Increase of rent: 2d.

19o. Admission of Robert de Woupshate to a butte at la Throte, next Woupshate: Fine: 12d. Increase of rent: 1d.

191. Admission of Walter Folkmere, Emma, his wife, and heirs of body, to messuage and a purpresture in villeinage, surrendered by Margery, daughter of Hugh de Wassheforde, which had been held by her father, at la Redelake. Fine : 2s. Increase of rent : 1d. Pledges : Gilbert Olof, Robert de Fellegh.

192. Admission of Peter le Forester to 1 acre of purpresture in Myndfeld, enclosed by his father, and 1/2 acre of purpresture at Fokelbrok, outside lower part of former, also enclosed by Philip. Fine : 2s. Rent: none for these, but Peter pays other rent, viz. 4d. per annum quarterly: 2d. for 1 acre in Myndfeld, and 2d. for 1/2 acre in Fokelbrok. Pledges : John Pentecoste, Gilbert Olof.

193. Admission of Robert de Forde, nativus of lord, to purpresture containing 1/2 acre next Faledleesgate, surrendered by Ralph, son of John Hogheles. Fine : 6d. Increase of rent: 1/2d. Pledges : Robert South, Philip de Langenhurst.

194. Grant to Peter Wrenche and heirs of 3 acres of land round Wrechescroft [sic]. Fine: 2s. Increase of rent: 3d.

195. Grant to Peter Wrenche and heirs of 1/2 acre land next Wrenchesmere which he holds. Fine: 16d. Increase of -rent: 1d.

196. Admission of John de Syghenhurst to a purpresture next Bourstowe, held by his late father. Relief: 2s. 1d. Pledges : Robert Bartholemeu, Robert Wylecous.

197. Licence to Robert de Felley and Walter Folkmere to exchange 30 perches of Fossata at Primed. Fine: 6d.

198. Admission of Adam atte Hurst to cottage with dowry when it shall happen, and 1/2 virgate, surrendered by Ralph Hotheles. Adam to pay Ralph 10s. down, and a garment worth 3s., or 3s. in money, annually, and to hold land for life. Reversion of dowry held by Christopher ate Byrchette, to come to Adam and heirs completely. Ralph to owe heriot. Fine: 3s. 4d. Pledges: John atte Hurst, Robert South.

199. Grant to Walter, son of Richard de Chabeham, and heirs, of 3o perches at Heghsshete, and 1o perches at Swanespihtle. Fine: 6d., afterwards pardoned by Prior. Increase of rent: 1d. Pledge : William de Wassheforde.

200. Fealty by Robert Farman, after purchase of tenement and curtilage formerly of Juliana de Taillour.

201. Fealty by Jordan Waryn, after purchase of tenement late of Henry Waryn.

202. Fealty by Robert le Hunte of Twongham, after purchase of a piece of pasture called Trandelgarstone, late of Jordan le Crockere.

CHOBHAM f. 28r

255. Admission of Gilbert de Cokelham and Matilda, his sister, and their heirs to house curtilage with curtilage and purpresture, surrendered by William de Cokelham,, their brother. Fine: 3s. 4d. Increase in rent: 1d. Pledges: John Pentecoste, Robert de Fellegh.


312. Note that Thomas Cachehat who held a cottage is dead, and that cottage remains in hand of lord. Heriot: ox, value 6s.

CHOBHAM. ff. 39v., 40, 41r.

386. Admission of Walter Cachehat to freehold cottage of late brother, Thomas. Relief: 17 1/2d. (In paler ink in margin : Releu’ xvd.)

387. Admission of John Fryday to cottage and 2 acres held freely by late father, John. Heir a minor, so mother, Christina, made guardian. Heriot : a steer, value 2s.

388. Grant to Thomas le Mareschal of Frimley of an enclosed purpresture in Twomullemore of 2 acres encloased by Thomas, with a place in said purpresture called Twomhulle. Fine : 5s. Increase of rent : 5d. Pledges . . John le Mareschal, Henry Upehulle.

389. Admission of William atte Lane to a purpresture at le Redelonde of 1 acre surrendered by Thomas atte Wode, for self and heirs in blood. Fine: 12d. Increase of rent: 1d. Pledges: William atte Felde, William atte Lane, Senior.

390 Surrender by Thomas Payn of 13d. annual rent, and 3 days autumn-works, and Payn’s part of tallage which he used to receive from John Whytpayn for 2 curtilages and a garston of pasture. Rent to remain in Abbot’s hands.

391. Surrender by William atte Stone (MS. indecipherable) of charter of annual rent coming from a cottage lately occupied by William atte Churche, now occupied by his son, Walter.

392. Conviction of William de Brok by his peers for letting his holding deteriorate, to damage of Abbot, 100s., 0r more. All customary tenants refuse to act as sureties for him, s0 holding taken into lord’s hands. Brok attached by his chattels, viz. 4 oxen value 40s., 6 steers value 40s., 1 steer value 1/2 mark, 2 cows value 1 mark, 2 1/2 quarters winterwheat value 10s., 5 quarters small oats value 1/2 mark. Property in custody of Brother John de Waltham, Cellarer. Later Brok pleads grace of Abbot, through friends, and gets holding back on conditions.

393. Admission of Ralph Henry to 1 rood of land next his gate. Fine: I2d. Increase of rent : 1d. Pledge: John de Arderne.

394. Note of death of John de Fellegh who held a virgate. Heriot ox, value 10s. Hugh the son and heir did not follow his father. (He took land in next year.)

395. Admission of John de Hurst, villein of lord, to I acre of land in Wyndemarshe, surrendered by Thomas atte Wode. Fine: I2d. Increase of rent: 1d. Pledge : William atte Felde.

396. Note of death of Christina atte Byrchette, wife of Ralph atte Byrchette. Heriot : ox, value 12s. Note that at Court held Wednesday after Easter of Conversion of St. Paul, 2 Edward III, she had resigned her right in tenement to her husband, who then paid fine to hold it for life.

397. Admission, after surrender by Ralph atte Byrchette, of Ralph and his wife, nee Agnes Scott, to holdings of husband. Fine: I2d. Increase of rent: 2d. Pledges : William atte Stone, Robert South.

CHOBHAM. ff. 50v., 51r.

486. Admission of William de Ebbemede to 5 acres of purpresture next le Shete, and a road going towards the Court of Chobham. Fine 4s. Increase of rent: 4d.

487. Admission of William Baldewyne to tenement held of the Chamber, Relief : 6s. 8d. Pledge: William atte Felde.

488. Admission of Walter de Faledle, junior., to half of the holding of his father, Walter, Senior; surrendered by the father, in villeinage. Fine: 10s. Pledges: Robert South, William atte Felde, William de Faledle, William atte Stone.

489. Ratification of status of Jordan le Cheseman and Cecilia, his wife, after plea of land, in which the parties were Walter South, plaintiff, and William atte Lane, Senior, defendant. Walter claimed that William had seized 3 roods of land as appears in Court held Thursday before St. Matthew’s Day, but William’s defence was that he was not the tenant of the land, but that grant had been made to Jordan and his wife, in Court of Chobham, 5 Edward III, when Walter South surrendered claim, ad opus Jordan and Cecilia. William in mercy for unjust detention. Fine paid by Jordan for ratification : 12d.

490. Admission of Christina de Estone, aged 3, to 1 virgate held by late father, Walter. Wardship to mother, Margery. Heriot : a draughtanimal, value 18d. Fine: 20s. Pledges: William atte Stone, John atte Hurst.

491. Admission of Christina, daughter of Mariota ie Longge, to cottage of late mother, for life tenancy, ” as she was enfeoffed by the Seneschal.” Heriot: sheep, value 12d. Fine: 6d. Pledges: Robert le Smyth, William atte Stone.

492. Decision by inquest that Walter de Estone was free and could (alienate purpresture enclosed by him to Thomas atte Halle, who paid fealty after buying it. Land was at Heghshete.

493. Grant of a little butte of land next his park, to John le Shepburde. Fine : 6d. Increase of rent : 1/2d. “And because . . . [indecipherable] . . . it is remitted and he is quit.”

494. Licence to John le Chaloner to enclose a purpresture to increase his park. Fine : zed. Increase of rent : 1d. Pledge: Robert Wyllecous.

495. Licence to John de Bourstowe to level a ditch next his purpresture ure previously rented. Fine: 12d. Increase of rent: 1d. Admission of John le Coupere to a moor called le Couperesmore; next Stotfeld. Relief: 14d. Pledge: Robert Wilecous.

497. Fealty by Juliana and Christina, daughters of William atte Stone, after purchase of a cottage from William, next Godemannespole.

498. Admission of John, son of Gilbert atte Rok, to tenement of late Walter atte Rok, to whorri he was heir. Relief : 13s. 4d. Pledges Robert Hoppegame, William atte Felde, William atte Lane, Junior, Walter de Bradele.

499. Admission of John le Brusere to purpresture next Rammeshurst, enclosed by his father, and not rented. To Pay now only the increase of rent : 1d. Fine: 12d.

500 Admission after enquiry, of Hugh de Fellegh to land of late rother, John, who was murdered by his wife, Edelina, and Adam atte urst, her lover, with whom she fled after the crime out of the parish. A son of Edelina, John, born after John de Fellegh’s death, claimed and, but Hugh claimed that (a) John was not son of John de Fellegh, and (b) John not villein of lord. Inquest asked for, which decided that Hugh was rightful heir, and the only one within the demesne. Edelina declared to have forfeited her right by voluntarily leaving the demesne. Land therefore granted to Hugh by special grace of lord. Fine : 20 marks sterling. Pledges : Robert South, John atte Hurst, John Payn.

CHOBHAM ff.64r.v., 65, 66r. v.

596. Admission of John Grappe to 1/2 virsgat of villein-land called Osbarneslond, surrendered by Osbert de Faledle. Fine: 40s. Payments to Osbert : 5 silver marks, in instalments of 1 mark quarterly, to give annually 200 faggots of wood and 2 cartloads of heath, both to be delivered at Osbert’s door at Staines, between the feasts of St. John the Baptist and Michaelmas. Pledges: the whole Homage.

597. Admission of William atte Felde to cottage surrendered by Dionysius de Bonenhulde. Transfer had been held up until inquiry made as to Dionysius’ right to cottage. Decision that he was heir to his mother. Fine: 12d. Pledge: John de Forde.

598. Admission of Walter Symound to croft of 4 acres which was of tenement of William de Faledle, surrendered by Christina de Faledle, whom Walter now marries. Pays 2s. per annum at tenement of William and nothing to lord. Fine: 1/2 mark for entry of both. Increase of rent : 2d.

599. Admission of Walter Symound and Christina, his wife, to 1 acre surrendered by Christina’s father, William de Faledle, to sow every year one with winter-wheat, next year with oats, for William’s life. William gives them one cartload of hay from his meadow, for his life. Fine: 2s. Pledge: William de Faledle.

600 Grant to Peter le Forester to hold a purpresture enclosed by his father, next Wrenchessmore, containing 1 1/2 acre. Fine : 3s. Increase of rent : 3d. Pledges : William atte Feld, William atte Forde.

601 Surrender by Hugh de Fellegh, brother and heir of John de Fellegh, of (a) Meadow called le Redemed at Horstedemulle, of 14 acre. (b) Meadow called le Eyte next Horstedemulle, of 3 roods.

602. Admission of John atte Hurst to tenement unnamed. Fine 13s. 4d. Pledges : John de Tetenhale, Thomas de Foghelbrok.

603. Admission of John atte Hurst to 1/2 acre of villein-land adjoining Wydenerhs, to hold to himself and heirs for ever. Fine : 12d. Increase of rent: 1d. Rent to William de Faledle, who surrenders land, 2d. per annum in aid of his rent.

604. Admission of Robert atte Marsshe, and Matilda, his wife to 3 roods surrendered by Thomas atte Wode, nest tenement of Thomas towards Faledleswode. Robert to build. Fine : 2s. Increase of rent 1d. Pledges : William atte Felde, Walter atte Stone, Walter atte Byrchette, John Cupping.

605. Grant to William atte Felde of wardship of lands and tenements of William, son and heir of William de Heghele, aged 10, until he is fifteen. Fine: 4d. Pledges: William atte Byrchette, William atte Stone.

606. Grant to Gilbert atte Lane of (a) 4 virgate which Ralph atte Byrchette holds ; to sow annually, to end of life of Ralph. (b) Meadow called le Russhymede granted by Ralph to Gilbert for his convenience for all time. Fine : 4s. Rent : to do all Ralph’s works for lord. Pledges : William atte Lane, Ralph atte Byrchette.

607. Admission of Alice Dawe, minor aged 7, to cottage held by late father, Ralph. Mother, Christina made guardian. Heriot : 0x, value 10s. Fine : 2s. Pledges : John Pentecoste, William Bedell. 608. Admission of Christina Symond to land formerly of John Fryday, held by late husband, Walter. Heriot : two wethers, value 18d. Fine 2s. Pledges: William de Faledle, and the Bedell.

609. Admission of Stephen atte Grene to 1 acre called Bedelond, surrendered by Jordan le Cheseman, who had it of gift of William atte Lane, Senior. In villeinage, for self and heirs in blood. Fine: 40d. Increase of rent : 1d. Pledges: John atte Hurst, William atte Lane.

610. Declaration of inquest: John Perke, who bought a ` botutum’ of the tenement of Stanore and built a cottage on it, sold it afterwards to Richard Giffard, his brother-in-law; then the tenement came to John atte Hurst of Chobham, and afterwards, John Perke sold the cottage and remained at East Clandon, and served to Rector of Clandon, and thence came John de Chabeham and Richard, his brother of Chabeham.

611. Admission of Alice, Juliana and Agnes, daughters of Thomas Jolyff, to messuage and croft of 1/2 acre, held by late mother, Matilda. Fine : 2s. Pledges : John de Arderne, Robert de Suthwelle.

612. Admission of John de Brok to tenement held by late mother, Beatrice. Heriot : cow, value 9s. Fine : 7s. 9d. in money, 2 ploughshares, 1 hen, 2 sheep and half a [. . .]. Pledges : Robert de Suthwelle, John Pentecoste.

CHOBHAM. ff. 76r. v., 77r. v.

695. Admission of John Atte Hurst to piece of meadow called Halemed of 1 1/2 acres next mill of Horstede, surrendered by Thomas atte Wode, in bondage. Fine: 2s. Increase of rent: 1d.

696. Admission on 10 years’ lease of Gilbert atte Lane to messuage and 2 crofts surrendered by Thomas atte Wode, with proviso that if Wode be at any time obliged to sell within the 10 years, Gilbert is to have first chance of buying, but if Gilbert dies, firma to remain to William atte Felde. Fine: 18d. Pledge : whole body of customary tenants. 697. Admission of Ralph atte Lane to messuage and half virgate held by late father, William, Senior, in bondage. Heriot : horse, value 10s. Fine: 26s. 8d. Pledges : William atte Felde, William atte Mulle, William atte Byrchette.

698. Admission for life of Walter atte Felde and Beatrice, his wife, to cottage and cartilage surrendered by Robert Wylecous. Fine : 6d. Pledges : Robert Wylecous, John le Mareschal.

699. Admission of Gilbert atte Lane to messuage, z crofts, and a purpresture, next Broxhulle, containing 12 acres, surrendered by Thomas atte Wode, in bondage for life, and after death, remainder to William atte Felde. Fine : 40d. Pledges : William atte Byrchette.

700. Exchange by licence between John de Arderne and John atte Hurst a place of meadow called le Nywemed. Hurst to pay increase of rent of 1d. Court held after St. Luke’s Day. Fine: 12d. shared. Mutual pledges.

701. Grant to Roger de Vpewelle of purpresture next Ymbelle, 8 perches by 3 roods 6 perches. Fine: 3s. Increase of rent: 2d at Michaelmas.

702. Grant to Robert Vpewelle and John atte Marsshe of purpresture 18 perches by 9 1/2 perches. Fine : 4s. Increase of rent : 4d. Mutual pledges.

703. Grant to Robert le Turnour to hold enclosed a purpresture in Twomullemor of 31 perches by 25 perches, of area 4 3/4 acres 15 perches. Fine: 5s. Increase of rent : 5d Pledges : Robert W ylecous, John le Marshal.

704. Grant to John le Tournour to have and enclose a purpresture in augmentation of his ditches, 27 perches by 2 perches, of area 1 rood, 16 perches. Fine: 6d Increase of rent: 1/2d.

705. Grant to Ralph atte Stonhulle to enclose a purpresture in Twomullemore, 26 perches by 9 1/2 perches, of area 1 1/2 acres 7 perches. Fine 4s. Increase of rent : 3d

706. Grant to Bartholomew atte Bergh to bold enclosed 1 acre of purpresture at le Quelmed and to build a house thereon, on condition that he does not alienate it from himself or heirs. Fine : 4s. Increase of rent: 4d. By pledge, etc.”

707. Admission of William de Bourstowe, aged 3, to messuage and villein-land held by late father, Robert. Wardship to mother, Johanna. Heriot : a mare in milk, value 10s. Fine : 20s. Pledges John le Marshal, Robert Wylecous.

708. Admission of John de Bourstowe to messuage and 1 virgate of villein-land held by late father, John. Heriot : a mare, value 12s. Fine: 10 marks. Pledges: Robert le Tournur, John le Marchal, Henry Vpewelle, Robert Wylecous.

709. Admission of John Cuttemere and Alice, his wife, to cottage and curtilage surrendered by husband. Fine : 3s. 4d. Pledges : Robert le Tournur, Robert Bartholomeu.

710. Admission of Walter Eggeshagh and Juliana, his wife, to messuage and garston pertaining to a virgate, surrendered by wife, nee de Langenhurst. Remainder to heirs of wife. Fine: 6s. 8d. Pledges Hugh de Fellegh, Robert de Fellegh.

711. Admission of John le. Latthere to cottage and curtilage of villein-land, surrendered by Christina South, in bondage. Fine: 12d. Increase of rent : 1/2d. Pledges : William atte Falde, William atte Byrchette.

CHOBHAM. ff. 88v., 89r.

790. Admission of Robert atte Rythe and Agnes, his wife, to cottage and curtilage held by late John atte Hegge, brother of Agnes, in bondage. Heriot : cow, value 7s. Fine : 2s. Pledges: Hugh de Fellegh, William atte Stone.

791. Admission of Thomas de Grenhurst, aged 1 year, to messuage and various parcels of land held by late father, Elyas. Mabella, mother, paid relief for son and custody of land. Heriot : cow, value 8s. Fine 6d. Pledge : Robert Wylecous.

792. Admission of John Fryday to messuage and 5 acres of villeinland held by late mother, Christina. Heriot : a young ox, value 11d. Fine: 6s. 8d. Pledges : William atte Felde, William Symond, William Faledle.

793. Licence to Walter de Bradele and John Pentecosts to exchange pieces of land; both parts of Wylkynesmore. Fine: 2s.

794. Inquest. Declaration that Walter de Bradele sold half his meadow called Gorhulle for some unknown time, without licence, to Richard Hegge of Horshulle. Walter now pays 3d. fine. Pledge : Walter atte Broke.

795. Admission of William atte Felde to toft of 2 1/2 acres and 1/2 acre of meadow surrendered by Gilbert in le Lane in bondage. Fine : 7s. 8d. Then re-grant by William to Gilbert for life, and also one-third part of meadow called Faledlemede of 1/2 acre in bondage for life. Fine: 12d. Pledge: William atte Felde.

796. Admission of William atte Felde to 1/2 acre in Wydenersh, surrendered by William de Faledle, Senior, in bondage. Fine: 12d. Increase of rent: 1/2d. Pledge: William atte Stone.

CHOBHAM. ff. IOOr. V., 1OI, I02r.

880. Re-grant, after surrender, to Thomas Hoppegame and Johanna, his wife, of 1/2 acre of land and meadow in bondage, for selves and heirs, with remainder to heirs of Thomas. Fine: 18d. No increase of rent, because they do many services. Pledge: the Bedell.

88I. Admission of Juliana, daughter of Thomas Broun, aged I, to cottage held in bondage by late grandmother. Mother given wardship, as father dead. Fine: Iad. Pledge: William atte Felde.

882. Admission of John atte Blythe to a little enclosed place of rood, surrendered by Walter le Wynde, his father. He is to cultivate the place. Fine: 6d. Increase of rent: 1d. Pledge: William atte Felde. 883. Admission of John de Langehurst to cottage and cartilage of late father, John, in bondage. Fine: 2s. Pledges : Walter atte Felde, Walter Folkmere.

884. Production by Robert Spersholt of charter by which he bought cottage from John Bysshop. Fine.: I2d. Increase of rent: 1d.

885. Admission of Agnes le Wynde to messuage and 1/2 garston and 1 virgate, together with other parcels of land of purchase, held in bondage by late father, Walter. Heriot : ox, value 8s. Fine : ios. Pledges John atte Hurst, William de Faledle, John Kupping, Walter le VVynde. 886. Claim by Alice, widow of Walter le Wynde, to joint tenancy with husband of various parcels of land and meadow of gift of William de Faledle for life.

887. Admission of John atte Groue to messuage and land of late father, John, in bondage. Fine : 5s. Pledges : Robert de Fellegh, Walter atte Fryth.

888. Production by Alice, widow of William de Bradele, of charter f joint tenancy.

889.1 Note of death of John de Langenhurst, who held a cottage and whose heriot is a little pig value 8d. Land remains in lord’s hands. 89o. Admission of Thomas de Bradele to messuage and virgate held by late father, Walter, in bondage. Heriot .: cow, value 8s. Fine: 40s.

891. Note of death of John Wellyng of Grenhurst, who held a cottage and curtilage and whose heriot is a steer, value 2s. Cottage remains in lord’s hands.

892. Licence to Stephen de Bourstowe to enclose a place of 1 acre, and another place in Southerhs next his messuage, of 1 1/2 acres, in bondage. Fine : 10s. Rent : 10d. per annum. Pledge : John de Bourstowe.

893. Permission to John de Bourstowe and Agnes, his wife, to have a Purpresture next John’s Southgarston, in bondage. Fine : 8s. Rent 8d. per annum. Pledge: John le Tourner.

894. Admission of Thomas de Horstede to messuage and half virgate held by late, father in bondage. Heriot : a sterile cow, value 6s. 8d. Fine : 10s.

895. Admission of Thomas le Cartere to 1/2 acre held in bondage by late father, Robert. Fine: 6d.

896. Admission of Walter Symond to cottage and 10 acres held by late father; also to a small purpresture, for service of 1d. per annum. Relief for cottage and land : 6s. 8d. Relief for Purpresture : 1d. Pledges Stephen atte Groue, John de Arderne.

CHOBHAM. ff. 108r. v., 109r.

952. Proof, on evidence of Roll of Chobham Court, Sunday after St. Clement, 13 Edward 2, that Agnes de Fellegh was joint tenant of a messuage and half-virgate with her late husband, Robert. Heriot ox, value 7s.

953. Admission of John atte Marsshe to cottage and 2 acres, called Cobatteslond, held by late brother-in-law, Robert de Fellegh, in bondage. Heriot : 0x, value 6s. Fine : 6s. 8d.

954. Admission of William de Grenhurst, called Wellyng, to cottage and 1/2 acre and 1 acre meadow held by late father, John, in bondage. Heriot : steer. Fine: 20d.

955. Production in Court of William Cachehat by his mother, Matilda, as heir to his father. Fine : 12d. Pledge : William atte Felde.

956. Admission of Thomas de Fellegh to place at Fellegh, 4 perches by 2 perches, surrendered by Hugh de Fellegh, his brother, in bondage. to cultivate the place. Fine : 12d. Increase of rent : 1d. Pledge Hugh de Fellegh.

957. Admission of Walter and Ralph South to cottage and place of 1 rood at le Legh, surrendered by their father, John, with remainder of cottage and half the land to Ralph’s heirs, and of other half to Walter’s heirs. Final remainder to John. Fine : 2s. Increase of rent

958. Admission of Juliana Olof and her heirs to cottage and 2 acres called Cobatteslond, surrendered by John atte Marsshe. Fine : 6s. 8d.. Pledges : William de Hoke, Walter atte Frythe.

959. Admission of Thomas, son of William de Bradele, to 6 acres of land and pasture next Horstedem ulle, in various parcels, surrendered by Simon de Wassheforde. Fine : 6s. 8d. Increase of rent: 2d. Pledges William atte Felde, Thomas de Bradele.

CHOBHAM. ff. 118r. v. 119r. v.

1013. Admission of Walter, son of John le Grye, to father’s land on attaining full age. Fine : none, because mother paid it previously. Pledges : John atte Hurst, Walter atte Mulle.

1014. Licence to Peter Pentecoste to marry Matilda de Cokelham, serf, and have her lands. Fine: 2s. Pledge: John Pentecoste.

1015. Grant to John le Frithyere and Juliana, his wife, of messuage and 1 virgate of serf-land late of Robert le Reue of Fremele except certain meadows: namely; meadow called Muchelesshete and one called Whytewellesmede, and one called le Mullewardesmede, with 2 garstons next these meadows, and except 12d. rent coming from the tenement of William Broning, which was late of the same Robert. New tenants to do autumn services which William and Robert wont to do. To hold in bondage for services of 5s. 10d. per annum and 7d. at Michaelmas for Stedeauese [0r stedeanese] and 6d for Dissheseluer, and 3 bushels of winter wheat for Chursshet, with other services, which Robert le Reue was wont to do. Fine: £15. Pledges: John le Marchal, John le Bourstowe.

1016. Admission of John Sewel to cottage which was of his father Peter Sewel. Relief : 7d.

1017. Admission of Matilda, daughter of Adam Goldston’, to cottage and 3 acres held by late father. Fine paid by mother, Christina. Heriot : cow value 4s. Fine : 40d. Pledges : John Pentecoste, Maurice de Hale.

1018. Plea of joint purchase of cottage with late husband made successfully by Matilda, widow of Ralph atte Marsshe. Heriot : 1/2 steer value 2s.3

1019. Note of death of John atte More, who held cottage and curtilage, and whose heriot is a cow value 6s. Tenement remains in lord’s hands.

1020. Admission of Emma Notte to cottage and 4 acres held in bondage by late relative, John atte More. Fine : 40d. Pledges : John Payn, William atte Felde.

1021. Examination of roll to see if Matilda atte Marsshe was joint tenant with her husband.

1022. Admission of Juliana de Bourstowe to messuage and virgate of serf-land held by late husband, after agreement of Court that it had been held in her right.

1023. Admission of Stephen de Bourstowe to purpresture called Prauncehullemore of 2 acres and another purpresture of 3 acres and a small but next the curtilage held by late father Richard. Fine : 40d. Pledge : John Marchal.

1024. Admission of Richard de Fellegh to place called la Leghe of 1 acre surrendered by his mother, Agnes, widow of Robert, in bondage. Fine: 5s. Increased rent: 1d. Pledge: John Pentecoste, Walte atte Brok.

1025. Admission of Thomas de Bradele, son of William, to croft of 1 acre surrendered by Thomas de Bradele, son of Walter; in bondage. Fine: 40d. Increased rent: 1d. Pledge : William atte Felde.

1026. Note of death of Richard de Bourstowe who held messuage and 1 virgate of villein land in right of Juliana his wife. Heriot value 10s. Land remains in hand of lord.

1027. Indenture at Chobham, Michaelmas 13 Edward III between the Abbot and John atte Hurst and Laurence de Foghellbrok. Lease of pasture next Crausshate. Rent 5s. per annum for all services.

1028. Admission of Ralph atte Lane, son and heir of Alice atte Lane, to messuage and 1/2 virgate, held as of his right by Ralph atte Byrchette. No heriot paid, because a bull, the best animal, had been shifted a good way off, so distraint ordered. Ralph comes and promises to pay heriot at next court. Fine: 60s. Pledges : Walter atte Mulle, John atte Hurst, Robert South, Simon de Wassheforde:

1029. Admission of John de Bourstowe to pasture once held by John le Eyr of Farnburgh, next Felleysmede in Frimley; 1/2 acre. Fine 12d. Rent: 2d. per annum half-yearly. Pledges : John Tourner, Robert Wylecous.

CHOBHAM. f. 120.

1031. Surrender by William atte Byrchette of 6d. annual rent, coming from 4 acres in 2 crofts of tenement late of William de Broke, which Hugh Harefot once held.

CHOBHAM. ff. 130v., 131r. v., 132, 133x. v., 134r. v., 135r. v., 136r.

1098. Production by Christina, widow of William de Coushate, of charter of tenancy for life of purpresture which was her late father’s. No heriot, because inquest showed that none was due ” . . . gratis non . . . [indecipherable] . . . of her relief.”

1099. Admission of Walter, son of William atte Churche, to land of late father-cottage and 1 rood of serf-land held by service of 15d per annum and a messuage and 10 acres land and pasture held freely by service of 2s. per annum. Heriot : none because he had nothing. Fine 18d. Relief, none because Christina Walter, his mother, paid relief when Walter was under age, Thursday before St. Gregory’s Day, 16 Edward 11.

1100 Surrender by John Payn of all his lands and tenements in Chobham of whatever condition ad opus the Abbot., who re-grants them for life to John and Alice, his wife, with exception of meadow called Flexlondsmed, which Abbot keeps and which was wont to pay 12d per annum John and Alice to be quit of tallage, for life.

1101. Grant to John Payn and Alice his wife of pasture called Holeshurst which John atte Hurst and Laurence Foghelbrok hold at farm from Abbey from Michaelmas 13 Edward III for 6 years, after which it is to pass to John and Alice for life for service of 5s. per annum at Michaelmas.

1102. Grant to John Payn and Alice his wife for life of daily ration of a loaf called Michie and 1 gal. of convent beer, and a weekly ration of 2 cooked dishes-one on Sunday and one on Friday-suited to the day, to be received from the Cellarer ; and one garment with a hood every year for life of John, suited to his station. Witness the Court., 1103. Admission of William, son of Gilbert Olof and Alice his wife, to lands of father in bondage, during life of father, with assent of father and will of tenants. Witness the Court. Fine: 10 marks – l00s. atFeast of the Purification, and 33s. 4d after death of Gilbert. Pledges Simon de Wassheford, William de Hoke, Walter atte Westfelde, Walter atte Mulle.

1104. Admission of Hugh Harefot and Agnes, his wife, to lands and tenements held in bondage and surrendered by William atte Broke. Fine: 10 marks-1/2 at Purification and 1/2 at Hockday. to find William lodging while he lives and raiment both of linen and wool and shoes and all else necessary. Witness the Court.

1105. Note that it is found that William atte Rythe owes of rent to tenement of John Payn 20d. per annum. Payable quarterly, and 1 boonwork of winterwheat and of oats for food of John, and William pays annually 1/4 of John’s tallage. Also Robert South owes to same tenement 1d. rent at Michaelmas. Also John de Tothale owes to same tenement 5d. rent-2d. at Michaelmas and 1d. at other quarters. Also a piece of meadow called Wrenchesmed owes to same tenement 8d. rent-2d. quarterly and 1 boonwork at mowing [ad faliandum for falcandum]. with one man for John for his food. (Continued on f. 133r.) Also Walter de Chabeham owes to same tenement 2s. per annum payable yearly at Nativity of St. John the Baptist which Walter pays to Abbot for John Payn, and to John ought to be allowed. John Payn owes for his tenement to John le Brok, 2d. per annum. John Brok ought to pay for John a quarter part of one sheep. John Payn owes John de Forde 1d. per annum at Michaelmas.

1106. Marriage Settlement, made at Court of Chobham held Wed in feast of Apostles Philip and James, 14 Edward III, in time of Bros. Thomas de Ocham and N. de Heddefore, seneschalls, by common assent and full will of Abbot and Convent, Gilbert Olof of Dorkyngge gives to lord 5 marks in name of Gilbert his son, and Isabella de Fellegh, daughter of Agnes, in forma matrimonialis contractus, that Gilbert and Isabella shall have jointly all lands and hereditaments to hold to Isabella and her heirs. Witness the Court. Gilbert, sen, gives them as subsidy for stock and menage [instaurandum et gubernandum] 1 horse, value 10s., a mare value 1/2 mark, 6 bulls value 40s., 6 cows value 36s., 7 porkers value 8s., 40 sheep value 50s., a robe value 1 mark suitable to her choice, 3 cloths and 6 towels [manutergia], and every year Agnes de Fellegh shall benefit lands by stone of wool by 8 cloves. [sic] (clavus-a weight of 7 0r 8 lb.) Pledges : Ralph de Forde, Richard de Fellegh, Ralph de Fellegh, William of [sic] Broke, Walter de Campo, William of Horle.

1107. Grant to Walter Folkmere of custody of Margaret, widow of Walter de Bradele, and lands of Walter, touching Margaret’s dowry for life, on condition that Walter provides for Margaret. Witness the Court.

1108. Grant to Martin de Coue of place of meadow called le Runemed with 2 garstons at that place pertaining and also 2 meadows called and Mullewardesmed in that town with a moor called le Souteresmore in parish of Aysshe next Stotfold, in bondage, with remainder to John and Robert, his sons. Fine: 1 mark. which is pardoned. Renders 32s. 6d. per annum to Almonry at Michaelmas. to be tallaged annually at Chamber by view of Seneschal, not only with the other villeins but by himself. Witness the Court.

1109. Admission of Hugh de Fellegh to purpresture in moor of Colygle next moor of John de Arderne, surrendered by John atte Groue, in bondage, Hugh not to alienate it without licence. Fine : 12d. Increased rent: 1/2d. Pledges : Simon de Wassheford, William de Hoke.

1110. Admission of Nicholas, son of John le Smyth of Fremele to purpresture of 2 acres at Cranemore, surrendered by John atte Marsshe of Fremele, in bondage, Nicholas not to alienate without licence. Fine 12d. Increased rent : 1d.

1111. Grant to John le Chaloner to enclose a place of purpresture, 11/2 acres, next le Muchelrude, which he is not to alienate without licence and fine. Increased rent : 3d.

1112. Grant to John le Crockere to enclose place of purpresture, 3 roods, at Cristemed, in bondage. He is to build a suitable house within 2 years from date of court. Heriot and fine are to be payable, and land is not to be alienated without licence and fine. Increased rent 2d. Pledges : John le Chaloner, Henry Gybbe.

1113. Grant to Walter atte Felde of Wockyng, to enclose a purpresture of 1 acre next la Breche in bondage, and he is not to alienate it without licence and fine. Fine : 6d. Increased rent : 2d.

1114. Grant to John le Frythiere to enclose place of purpresture called la Quelmed of 7 acres in bondage. He is not to alienate it without licence and fine. Fine : 2s.• Rent: 10d.

1115. Admission of John Thorgys and Alice, his wife, to purpresture called Esshetesmore of 1 1/2 acres in bondage, surrendered by Ralph atte Lane, next the moor of William atte Hoke and the common of the Lord on W. and N. No alienation without licence and fine. Fine: 2s. Increased rent: 1d. Pledges: William atte Felde, Hugh de Fellegh.

1116. Grant to Stephen de Bourstowe to enclose a buttita of 1/2 rood next Grenemarsshe in bondage. No alienation without licence and fine. Fine : 6d. Increased rent: 1d. Pledges : John de Bourstowe, John le Tournour.

1117. Grant to John de Bourstowe to enclose buttitum of 1/2 rood next purpresture of his called Southgarston, in bondage. No alienation without licence and fine. Fine : 6d. Increased rent: 1d. Pledges : Stephen de Bourstowe, John le Tournour.

1118. Grant to John le Mareschal, Robert atte Marsshe and John le Tournour of Frimley to enclose a place of purpresture of 6 acres in Frimley, in bondage for ever. No alienation without licence and fine. Fine: 10s. New rent: 12d. Pledges: Robert Wyecous, Robert Upehulle.

1119. Grant to Nicholas, son of John le Smyth of Fremele to enclose 1 acre purpresture in Cranemore in Frimley in bondage for ever. No alienation without licence and fine. Fine: 2s. New rent : 3d. Pledges John le Smyth, John le Tournour.

1120. Grant to John le of Fremele to enclose place of purpresture in Frimley of 1 rood, adjoining his house next le Rythe in Frimley, in bondage for ever. No alienation without licence and fine. Fine: 6d. New rent: 1/2d. Pledges: Robert Upehulle, John le Tournour.

1121. Grant to John le Smyth to enclose place of purpresture between Ymbele and Brokledoune in Frimley of 3 acres, in bondage for ever. No alienation without licence and fine. Fine: 3s. 4d. New rent: 4d. Pledges : Robert Upehulle, John le Tournour.

1122. Grant to Robert atte Marsshe of Fremele to enclose place of purpresture, 11/2 acres, next Dauysshemannesfold in Frimley, in bondage for ever. No alienation without licence and fine. Fine : 2s. New rent: 4d. Pledges : John atte Marsshe, Robert Upehulle.

1123. Grant to Robert le Fannere to enclose place of purpresture 1/2 acre bondage for ever. To build a new house on it within 2 years. No alienation without licence and fine. Fine pardoned because place already so much burdened. New rent: 2d. Pledges: John le Turnour, Henry le Eyr.

1124. Grant to William Wade to enclose purpresture of 1/2 rood next le Longelese in bondage for ever. No alienation without licence and fine. Fine: 6d. New rent: 1d. Pledge: John le Turnour.

1125. Grant to Robert, son of Robert Barthelmeu, to enclose purpresture called le Slade of 3 acres. No alienation without licence and fine. Fine: 12d. New rent: 6d. Pledge: Robert Bartholemeu.

1126. Re-grant to Thomas Hoppegame of 11/2 acres serf-land taken into lord’s hands because Johanna, his wife, who succeeded to these and other lands after death of Adam le Pleter, enfeoffed her husband without licence. Fine: 2s.

1127. Admission of Stephen de Bourstowe to messuage and virgate of serf-land held by late mother, Juliana, widow of Richard de Bourstowe, in bondage. Heriot: horse value 10s. Fine: 10 marks. Pledges : Jobn le Turnour, John le Mareschall, John de Bourstowe. Witness the Court.

1128. Note that it is proved by the oaths of William atte Stone, Robert South, Hugh de Fellegh, William atte Lane, John atte Hurst, Robert Upehulle, Robert Wylecous, Ralph atte Lane, William atte Brychette, Walter de Falledle, Stephen atte Groue, Robert Payn, that Richard le Notte is next heir to Emma le Notte, who died seized of a messuage and 1/4 virgate in Chobham, and that Christina de Estone has no ground for her complaint and she and her pledges are in mercy for false claim. Fine: 6s. 8d. paid by Christina. Pledges: William atte Felde, Simon de Wassheforde. Witness the Court.

1129. Admission of Thomas de Chalney to land held by late father, Ralph, in bondage. Fine: 26s. 8d. Pledges: Walter atte Felde, Walter atte Mulle, William atte Byrchette. Witness the Court.

1130. Admission of Thomas atte Halle de Chabeham to purpresture containing 1 acre surrendered by John Fryday, which is cultivated land together with messuage and all land called Justiceslond, and 1 acre serfland in Lytelwydenerhs. Purpresture to be held by service of 3d. and yearly boonwork, of reaping lord’s oats with one man; other serf-lands by service of 3d. per annum and annual tallage. Increased rent: 1d. Witness the Court.

1131. Grant to Thomas, son of William de Bradele, of lands and tenements inherited by Thomas, son of Walter de Bradele, and surrendered by him, for 10 years ; to pay lord for Thomas, s. of Walter, 4s. by quarterly portions, and to do suit of court. Also to provide sustenance for him with food and drink and a garment suitable for his station for each year of the 10. Also Thomas son of Walter shall keep the hall and curtilage of his house for his wife and sons and receive annually for their sustenance 2 quarters of winter-wheat and 1 quarter of oats and 1/2 stone of wool during the 10 years. Thomas son of William shall keep the house in repair at his own expense. Pledges : William atte Hoke, Simon de Wassheforde, Hugh de Fellegh, Ralph atte Lane.

CHOBHAM. ff. 148r. v., 149r. v., 150r. v.

1202. Plea of dowry ; Margery, widow of John Cuttemere atte Marsshe, quer., Henry atte Marsshe, def., by pledge of Robert Upewelle and Robert atte Marsshe. She claims against him a certain part of messuage and virgate in Frimley, on ground that John was seized of all of it. Henry pleads that she has quit-claimed him. Agreement : Henry to pay Margery at Michaelmas, 4 lb. winter-wheat, and 1 quarter winter-wheat, and 6 lb. small oats, yearly for life. Fine for agreement: 12d. Pledges : Robert Upewelle, Henry Upewelle.

1203. Admission of Richard le Carpenter and Matilda, his wife, to place of 1/2 acre called Preygarston, surrendered by John atte Marsshe. In bondage. To pay John, 6d. per annum. New rent: 1d. To build new house within 3 years. Fine: 2s. Pledges : Robert Wylecous Philip atte Marsshe.

1204. Admission of Elyas, son of John de Grene Hurst, to place of 1 rood, surrendered by Richard Petrefeld and Agnes, his wife, in bondage, and to be tallaged with rest of tenants, annually. To build a house. Fine: 12d. Increased rent: 3/4d. Pledges: Robert Wylecous, John le Tournur.

1205. Admission of John Cuttemere atte Marsshe to lands of father, John Cuttemere atte Marsshe, in bondage. Fine : 13s. 4d. Pledges Henry Upehulle, Robert Upehulle.

1206. Admission of Henry Gybbes to place of enclosure of serf-land at le Harudehulle in Frimley, 1/2 acre on which he has built a house. Fine: 12d. Increased rent: 1d. To be talliable. Pledges : John le Turnour, Robert Barthelmeu.

1207. Admission of John Olof to cottage called Cobateslond with acre serf-land held by late mother, Juliana, widow of Gilbert Olof. Heriot: bull value 7s. Fine: 6s. 8d. Pledges: William de Hoke, Hugh de Fellegh, William atte Felde, William atte Stone. Witness the Court.

1208. Admission of John South, son of John South, to 1/2 cottage of late father, in bondage. Fine: 18d. Pledges : Walter atte Felde, Hugh de Fellegh.

1209. Admission of Thomas Wylecous to piece of pasture called le Eldegarstone at Hale, surrendered by Agnes de Fellegh; in bondage. Fine : 2s. 6d. Increased rent : 1d.

1210. Admission of Hugh de Fellegh to cottage and 11/2 acres meadow at Fellegh surrendered by John atte Groue ; in bondage. Fine: 10s. Increased rent: 2d. Pledges: Walter atte Felde, William atte Stone. Witness the Court.

1211. Admission of John atte Mulle to cottage of late father William in bondage. Cottage had been taken into lord’s hands until John paid fine. Fine: 18d. Pledges: William atte Brok, Robert South. Witness the Court.

1212. Admission of William Olof to messuage 1 virgate, and a certain other holding called Marchauntslond held by late father Gilbert. Heriot for virgate : bull value 5s. Heriot for other land: bull value 9s. Fine 33s. 4d. and no more, because he paid 100s. down, during life of his father, at court held Thursday before Purification, 14 Edward III, for self and wife, Alice, in bondage. Pledge : Himself. Witness the Court.

1213. Admission of John atte Groue to cottage and 1/2 acre called le Morhaghe and a piece of meadow in le Redelond, surrendered by his father, Stephen, with reversion to Stephen’s heirs, if John should have none. Fine : 6d. Increased rent: 1/2d. Pledges : Stephen atte Groue, William atte Felde.

1214. Admission of Hugh de Shrympellerhs to holding of Simon de Wassheforde which was lately in lord’s hands and has lain waste because he could not do the work. Grant to Hugh for life ; he to recondition property, and to look sufficiently after Simon’s wife Alice, his son and all his children, and Simon is to have food and drink, when Hugh acts as host to his wife, and the wife to have a suitable chamber.

1215. Grant to Robert le Tourner to enclose purpresture at Southcroft of 1 rood, in bondage. No alienation without permission. Fine : 17d. Increased rent: 1d. Pledges: John le Mareschal, John le Tourner. 1216. Grant to Nicholas, son of John le Smyth to enclose place called le Grauelputtes, in bondage ; to build a house within 3 years. No alienation without permission. Fine: 6d. Rent: 1/2d. Pledges : John le Smyth, John le Tourner.

1217. Grant to Richard Cuttemere to enclose purpresture at la Rythe, 1 rood, in bondage; to build a house within 3 years. No alienation without permission. Fine : 12d. Rent : 1d. Pledges : John le Tourner, Robert le Tourner.

1218. Grant to John le Smyth to enclose purpresture, longitude from his smithy to tenement of Henry atte Marsshe, and latitude between the king’s highway and his own land. No alienation without licence and fine. Rent : 1/2d.

1219. Grant to Bartholomew atte Breche to enclose purpresture in bondage at le Quelmed 1/2 acre. No alienation without licence and fine. Fine: 2s. Rent: 1d. Pledges: Henry Cuttemere, John le Tourner. 1220. Grant to Henry atte Marsshe to enclose in bondage a purpresture next le Hagge oke, 3 perches by 1/2 perch. No alienation without licence and fine. Rent : 1d. Fine : 6 sieves [ciphas] of firewood at St. Peter ad Vincula. Pledges : Robert le Tourner, John le Tourner.

1221. Acceptance of John, son of John Serle, freeman, as tenant after death of father, who held 11/2 acres. Heriot : none because not cultivated. Relief 7d. Pledge: William Farman.

1222. Admission of Peter, son of Peter atte Hacche, to 4 acres 1 perch held freely by his late father for rent of 6d. per annum. Heriot: none, because none owed for uncultivated land. Relief : 6d. Pledge : William Farman.

CHOBHAM. ff. 1661. v., 1671. v., 1681. v.

1310. Grant to John de Tothale to enclose a place of 1 acre at Ywehulle, in bondage, for service of 3d. per annum. Not to alienate without licence. Fine: 40d. Pledges: Robert Payn, John le Broke.

1311. Note of death of Henry Cuttemere, who held a messuage and 1 virgate in bondage. Heriot : mare value 8s. and in money, 2s. Tenement remains in lord’s hands.

1312. Surrender by William atte Stone of piece of meadow next tenement of Robert South in le Birchettesgarston on W. and meadow of William atte Byrchette on E. and meadow called le Boutesmede on S. and meadow of Robert South on N. Renders at Treasury, a ploughshare at Michaelmas. And s0 remains.

1313. Admission of Hugh Harefot and Agnes, his wife, to place of land, called Lyttlecroft, surrendered by licence, by John atte Groue ; in bondage. Fine: 3s. Pledges: Hugh de Fellegh, Walter atte Frithe.

1314. Admission of John, son of Henry Cuttemere aged 8, to tenement of late father, in villeinage. Wardship to John atte Fryth, his uncle, for 8 years, ” and in 9th year he shall hand over land to heir, sown with seed, spring and winter [Quadrag’ et Hiemali] according to season, and heir shall pay him 2 silver marks.” Fine: 53s. 4d. Pledges: Walter atte Frithe, Henry Uphulle.

1315. Admission of William le Taillour to 2 messuages and 1 acre late of John atte Stone, once of Erkebald, in bondage, on S. next King’s highway leading from Wyndesore to Guldeford. Pays 5s. at Chamber, per annum by quarterly payments, and 3 1/2d. at Treasury, as well as old rents and services.

1316. Admission of John, son and heir of William atte Twychene, to various purprestures of moor held by late father. Heriot : none, because tenement not heriotable according to court, but some doubt felt, so order made for search of rolls. Relief: 20d. Pledges : William atte Felde, William le Carter.

1317. Admission of Ralph, son of William atte Stonhulle, to purpresture called Twoumullemore, held by late mother, Alice, who according to previous court, held it without fine, from death of husband. In bondage. Fine: 40d. Pledges : John le Tornour, Henry le Eyr.

1318. Admission of John atte Wyle to tenement of Alice, his mother, who is impotent, because of great age, and she is non compos mentis. It therefore, seems useful and reasonable to court for John to have land Fine: 46s. 8d. but to pay only 1/2 now, and other half when mother shall die. to look after Alice. Pledges : John le Tornour, Robert le Tornour.

1319 Note that Agnes, widow of Ralph atte Byrchette, who had a day, came here to court to hear what court decided about 2 cottages which she claims to hold freely by charter of said Ralph, before they married. Decision : they are of serf condition and she must give up her charter and hold them in bondage. The charter to remain in the Treasury.

1320. Admission of William, son of Gilbert Olof to tenement called Marchauntslond in bondage. Fine: 6d. Pledges: Hugh de Fellegh, Walter atte Felde.

1321. Surrender by Matilda, widow of William Cachehat, and William her son, of 3 messuages and 1 curtilage, which render at Treasury 11/2d. per annum, and to tenement of John atte Okene, 16d. per annum. They remain in lord’s hands.

1322. Admission of Stephen atte Grene to place of toft area, 4 perches by 3 perches at one headland 1 perch at other, which lies before the gate of Stephen, surrendered by John atte Rythe. In bondage. Old rent 1 1/2d. Increased rent: 1/2d. Fine: 12d. Pledge: Walter South. Memorandum that the toft is heriotable after death of every tenant.

1323 Admission of Ralph le Broke to messuage formerly of John Payn, once of Roger de Forde, with curtilage and garden adjoining, and all arable, which was John’s in la Lye, and Mullecroft and la Perke. Fine: 20s. Pledges: Robert Payn, John Cuppyng, John atte Hurst.

1324. Surrender by William de Faledle of 2s. rent and 6d. tallage at Michaelmas, coming from tenement called Justiceslond, which William Fryday lately held. Boundaries: W. King’s highway, leading to wood of Faledle, E. land which was late of Walter Wynde, called la Stete, S. land of William Faledle, called Westetesmede, N. way called Wodelane. And so remains.

1325. Admission of Margaret de Langenhurst to two-thirds of a cottage and curtilage surrendered by Thomas de Horstede for life, with reversion of rest of cottage which Edelina, mother of Thomas, now holds as dowry, when Edelina shall die. Fine : 2s.

1326. Note that in time past, Agnes de Fellegh demised to William de Bradele and Thomas, his brother, all lands and tenements which she and her husband jointly held, for 12 years, at Court held Thursday in feast of St. Peter in Cathedra. Now comes John atte Marsshe, brother and heir of Agnes, and asks for tenement after Agnes shall die ; then quitclaims William and Thomas. If Agnes still alive at end of 12 years, then he can have property, and William and Thomas will then pay 4d. Iincreased rent. Pledges : Walter atte Mulle, Hugh de Fellegh, Walter atte Westfeld, William de Hoke

1327. Exchange of land between Ralph atte Lane and Thomas atte Halle ; Ralph surrenders meadow called le Ruysshymede and Thomas surrenders meadow called le Nywemede.

1328. Permission to Henry le Eyr to enclose purpresture of 2 acres at la Lynches, ad opus his son, William, in bondage; to build a house within 3 years from date of court, held Wednesday before feast of St. Margaret. No alienation without licence. Increased rent: 4d. Fine 2s. Pledges : John le Turnour, John de Bourstowe.

1329. Permission to Nicholas, son of John le Smyth, to enclose purpresture of 2 acres at Cranemore, which he had previously enclosed to increase a place of his of 1 acre enclosed in 14 Edward III. In bondage. Increased rent: 4d. Fine: 4s. Pledges: John le Smyth, John le Turnour.

1330. Licence to Richard Cuttemere to enlarge the curtilage next his newly-built house on place enclosed last year. Fine : 3d. Increased rent: 1/2d. Pledges: John le Turnour, Robert Wylecous.

1331 Admission of Nicholas, son of John le Smyth, to fossata extending from the Grauelputte on N. surrendered by William Wade and Matilda, his wife, next a place enclosed by Nicholas by licence. No rent, because such a little piece. Fine : 12d.


1332 Admission of Thomas Hoppegame and Johanna his wife, and the heirs of Johanna, to cottage and curtilage, which Margaret de Forde held for life. Heriot: steer value 9s. 6d. Fine: 5s. Pledge: John de Forde.

CHOBHAM. f 168v.

1333. Note that Alice, widow of Simon de Forde, has quitclaimed John de Totenhale for 1/4 virgate which she and her husband surrendered to the Lady Alice de Hamme and the Lord John Abbot of Chertsey, at Court held Tuesday, after feast of St. Lucy, Virgin, 15 Edward H. John pays 40d. to have quitclaim enrolled.

CHOBHAM. ff. 184v., 185r. v., 186, 187r. v., 188r.

1437 Note that, at court held here, Friday after Michaelmas, William, son of William de Faledle, had paid fine of 10s. for a messuage and 1/2 virgate. Now an agreement drawn up between John de Hurle, now Seneschal and the Cellarer, and William himself, by which William agrees to surrender the 12d. which he receives from the tenement of John de Langenhurst to the Abbot, and in return, the Abbot pardons the 10s. fine mentioned above.

1438. Admission of William, son of William de Faledle, to messuage and 1/2 virgate held by late father. He already holds the other half, by resignation of his father. Fine pardoned as stated above. Pledges Hugh de Fellegh, Walter atte Mulle.

1439. Note that William Wylecous and Thomas Wylecous come and by licence quit-claim Richard atte Hegge for a messuage and 1 acre which Richard lately bought from Agnes de Fellegh, mother of Richard atte Hegge. Fine by Richard: 12d.

1440. Admission of William Goldrych to 1/4 virgate of serf-land held by late father, Richard. Heriot : mare value 4s. Fine: 6s. 8d. Pledges Hugh de Fellegh, Walter atte Mulle.

1441. Exchange by licence. Henry Vphulle grants to Henry le Eyr 2 buttes next land of le Eyr, in place called le Buttes. Henry le Eyr grants to Henry Vphulle 1/2 acre at Sandhulle, next land of Robert Vphulle. Fine for licence : 4d.

1442. Licence to Simon Aylward to marry Agnes, daughter and heir of Walter Wynd, and hold her lands. Fine: 66s. 8d., but 26s. 8d. not to be paid until after death of her mother, Alice. Dated at Court held Friday after Michaelmas. Pledges: William de Faledle, Stephen atte Groue.

1443. Admission of Adam atte Hurst to tenement which descended to Ralph atte Lane after death of Ralph atte Byrchette, except that 2 places of meadow :-le Lyttlemed, and le Ruysshymed, are in the hands of Ralph atte Lane and Thomas atte Halle, respectively. In bondage. Increased rent : 2d. Fine : 26s. 8d. Pledges : Hugh de Fellegh, John atte Hurst, William Olof, William atte Hoke, Seisin given by Bro. John de Hurle, Seneschal.

1444. Re-admission of Robert de Hale to messuage and one-eighth of a virgate, surrendered by him, in bondage, with remainder to Adam, son and heir of Robert and Matilda his wife. Fine: 6s. 8d. Pledges Hugh de Fellegh, William de Hoke.

1445. Admission of William atte Byrchette to messuage and 1/2 virgate held in bondage by late father. Heriot : mare, value 8s. Fine : 22s. Pledges : Walter atte Mulle, Robert Payn, Walter South, John atte Hurst.

1446. Admission of John le Wytcher and Johanna his wife, to messuage and a little purpresture adjacent, late of tenement Hogheles, surrendered by Adam atte Hurst. Increased rent : 2d. to Abbot, and 8d. to Adam and his heirs, at rate of 2d. quarterly. Adam to do all services. Fine: 6s. 8d. Pledges : Adam atte Hurst, John atte Hurst.

1447 Order to Homage to apportion 9s. rent coming from 3 roods of land and 2 cottages late of tenement of William de Faledle, whereof Walter atte Churche and William Dawe hold 3 separate roods, and Robert atte Pole 2 cottages. At present Robert pays whole rent, and Walter and William nothing. In future, Robert to pay 5 1/2d. and Walter 3 1/2d.

1448. Plea of Katherine Fryday against Thomas atte Halle for 7 acres land and 1/2 acre meadow, as heir of her brother, John, who died without issue. She says that Thomas has no right to land except that John had resigned it to him while he was under age. Thomas says that John was of age, and asks for enquiry. Jurors : John atte Hurst, John Cuppyng, Hugh de Fellegh, William O1of, William atte Stone, William atte Lane, Stephen atte Groue, Robert Payn, Stephen de Bourstowe, John atte Marsshe, and John le Mareschal, who say that John was of full age, and Katherine in mercy for false claim.

1449. Note that Ralph atte Lane paid 6s. 8d. fine to retain possession of part of land he recently held and alienated by licence to Adam atte Hurst, i.e. a parcel of meadow called le Mulleparrok, adjacent to tenement atte Byrchette. He had sold the tenement to atte Hurst, but contention has arisen as to whom meadow belonged to.

1450. Note that at Court held 18 Edward III [sic] William de Wassheforde and Emma, his wife, came and of free will, surrendered a messuage and virgate to the Abbot John de Rutherwyk. Heriot pardoned. Re-grant for life, in bondage ; no other services than these previously rendered ever to be asked from the pair. Seisin given by Bro. John de Hurle, Seneschal.

1451. Licence to John Mayn de Wonekfeld to hold dowry-land of Matilda atte Byrchette, free-woman-one-third of all tenements held by late husband, William, in bondage. She is now married to John. Fine for licence : 6s. 8d. Pledge : Simon Aylward.

1452. Surrender by Ralph atte Lane, in full Court, before Bros. John de Hurle and Henry de Kerseye, Seneschals, of cottage and place called le Groue Innome.

1453. Surrender by Ralph atte Lane of 10d. of annual rent from 2 1/2 acres in Southerhs, in the west, which Jordan le Cheseman now holds. 1454 Surrender by Walter South of 11 1/2d. of rent from a place of meadow which Peter le Wranche now holds and of 12d. of rent from a cottage which John le Dryuer holds, and 1d. rent from a place of meadow, which Walter atte Mulle holds and 1d. rent from a place of lane which Stephen atte Groue and Walter le Wynd now hold.

1455 Note that it is found by acknowledgement of John de Tothale that he claims to hold a place of meadow of lord by service of 5d. which rent pertains to tenement which was of John Payn and which lord bought from John. It was at one time in possession of Ralph de Forde and Alice, his wife, who both died without heirs, and John now holds it by a surrender of Ralph and Alice to the Court of Stanore, in time of Edward II. John de Tothale was son of Ralph and Alice born before marriage, and so by laws of England a bastard, to whom no serf-land can descend, so he has no right to said land either by way of purchase or of heredity. As there is no other heir, land taken into lord’s hands.

1456. Note that Adam atte Hurst lately bought from Ralph atte Lane a tenement late of Ralph atte Byrchette, save for 2 places called le Lyttlemed and le Parrok’ next Chobham mulle, which he retained and this cause much trouble for a long time. Now agreement has been reached. The 2 places shall be burdened de cetero of 8d. rent annually in discharge [exonerationem] of lands and tenements so rented to aforesaid Adam.

1457. Partition by licence of a certain meadow called le Hommed, between Christina, daughter and heir of Walter de Eston, who is now of full age, as decided by inquest, and William de Eston, called le Chesman. Christina to have the half lying to west headland, and William the other half, lying to the east. William to pay 1d. increased rent.

CHOBHAM. ff. 199v., 200r. v.

1525. Admission of Robert Wylecous to messuage and 1/2 virgate held by him and his late wife Agnes, in her right of inheritance ; for life. Heriot : a draught-beast value 8s. Fine . 4s.

1526. Re-admission of Robert le Crockere of Frimele to cottage and curtilage surrendered by him, for life with remainder to Ralph his son, in bondage. Increased rent : 1d. Fine: 18d. Pledges: John le Crockere, William Poul.

1527. Admission of John, son of William de Brokwode, to place next Yalyngsshate, 6 perches, at one headland 3 perches wide, and at other headland, 2 perches, surrendered by Robert Vphulle, in bondage. Fine 2s. Increased rent : 1d. Pledges : Henry le Eyr, Robert Upehulle.

1528. Admission of William, son and heir of Avice, wife of John le Mareshal, to 2 places of purpresture called Dupsshate, and Presleslegh, in the bruera of Colynghagh, held by late mother, in bondage. Heriot 6d. because the place is vacant. Fine: 40d.

1529. Grant to William le Brok and Margaret, his wife, of 3 messuages and all arable lands which were late of John atte More, except a certain meadow, which the Abbot keeps. In bondage. Fine : 6s. 8d. Increased rent : 1/2d. Pledges : John le Brok, John atte Hurst.

1530. Admission of Walter, son and heir of Robert South, to messuage and 1 virgate of serf-land held by late father. Heriot : a draught-beast, value 6s. 8d. No fine, because Walter paid fine before John de Wynton and Thomas de Weston, Seneschals.

1531. Admission of John, son of Walter,de Grenhurst, to cottage and curtilage and 2 parcels of land held by late relative, Thomas, son of Elias de Grenhurst. Heriot : none because he had nothing within the demesne. Fine: 2s. Pledges: Henry Gibbes, Henry le Eyr.

1532. Admission of person unnamed to messuage and 1 quarter of land and madow held by late Robert atte Hale. Heriot : bull, value 8s. No fine.

1533 Note that Agnes Scot of Chobham who is married to John de Whyeton of Kyngeston, and surrenders cottage and curtilage and land of 2 acres and a wood called Badyngeslond, also demised 2 cottages and curtilages at la Byrchette.

1534 Surrender by Adam atte Hurst of grove late of tenement of Ralph atte Byrchette, next the King’s highway on S. from mill called Chobhammulle towards town of Chertsey, on N. next tenement called le Godyngeslond.

1535 Surrender by William de Faledle of grove next la Westwelle, between place called la Westcroft on E. and next the King’s highway which [blank] versus [blank] on S.

1536. Surrender by John Cuppyng, called atte Forde, of 2s. of annual rent, and 1 hen of annual rent and 2 autumn boonworks, from a cottage and curtilage by the churchyard of the church of Chobham, which was late of Matilda Makeles. These remain in lord’s hands.

1537. Note that John de Bourstowe had rented a place at Frimley from the Abbot and put a windmill there, which was afterwards taken away by licence and built on land of Robert Barthelmeu, or wherever he wished in Frimley. Now John pays 33s. 4d. fine for licence to remove and take away this mill, and for the proforacione (?) of the timber for the said mill to date.

STANORE. . 200v., 201r.

1538. Admission of Adam de Hale to messuage and 1 quarter of serfland held in bondage by late father, Robert. Heriot : cow. Fine: 6s. Pledges : Thomas de Foghelbrok, Walter Folkmere.

1539. Admission of Agnes, daughter and heir of Ralph atte Forde, to tenement of late father which has been in lord’s hands for 7 years for want of tenants. In bondage. Fine: 16s. Pledges: Thomas de Foghelbrok, John atte Hurt, Adam atte Hale, John de Totenhale.

CHOBHAM. ff. 213r. v., 214r. v.

1610. Admission of Agnes de Grenhurst to 2 parcels of land of tenement of late brother Elias de Grenhurst, which had been in lord’s hands since his death. Fine: 12d.

1611. Admission of John, son of Alice atte Wyle, to messuage and 1 virgate held by late mother. Heriot: bull value 6s. 8d. and no more, because John paid fine, while she lived-46s. 8d. at court held Friday before St. Thomas 16 Edward III He paid half then and is now ordered to pay the other half, and it is to be levied on him.

1612. Note that William Berners and Custance, his wife, and John atte Brugge and Agnes, his wife, were distrained to show why they had not repaired a bridge next the church of Chobham, which is deteriorating for want of repair. William and Custance say that they are not liable, but John says that he holds a parcel of land burdened with the duty. He agreed to hold land which John atte Brugge, his uncle, held, but that later, the Abbot burdened the land with other services, and so he thought he was excused the bridge-work. Cannot show any proof that he is excused, so in mercy for repairs.

1613. Admission of Alice and Agnes Jolyff to one-third messuage held by late sister, Juliana. Heriot: as stated elsewhere. Alice pays 6d. fine for her half of the inheritance. Agnes has alienated her part to John Arderne by charter, therefore consulendum est.

1614. Note of death of Thomas, son of Walter de Bradele, who held messuage and virgate of serf-land. Heriot : cow value 3s. 4d. Tenement remains in lord’s hands. Order given to Bedell of Frimley cause to come here twelve of the vicinage of Frimley with whom neither Agnes, sister of Elias of Grenhurst, nor John, son of Walter de Grenhurst, has any affinity; to say on oath whether Thomas died seized of cottage and curtilage adjacent in Frimley, and if Agnes is nearest heir. He calls jury:-Robert Wylecous, Hugh de Whytewelle, John le Mareschal, Henry Vpehulle, Robert Vpehulle, John le Tornour, John atte Marsshe, Stephen de Bourstowe, Robert le Tornour, and John de Bourstowe, who say on oath that Thomas did hold property and that Agnes is next heir, therefore she is admitted in bondage to cottage and curtilage. Fine: 2s. Pledges: Thomas atte Halle, Hugh de Remenham

1615. Admission of Ralph atte Stone to capital messuage of his father, William, viz. aula with chamber adjacent and 1/2 of all lands together with a place of meadow called Chillebrok, and a place of land called Southbuttes. Fine: 4s. Pledges: William atte Felde, William atte Stone.

1616. Admission of Walter atte Mulle on 5 years’ lease, to lands and tenements called Frydayslond, surrendered by Thomas atte Halle to Abbot and then granted to Walter.

1617. Admission of William de Heghele to 3 roods at Paddehaghe, surrendered by Ralph atte Lane. Fine: 12d. Increased rent: 1d. and 1d. to tenement of Ralph.

1618. Admission of Alice Marchaunt to cottage and curtilage and 1 acre called le Benhaghe, surrendered by William Marchaunt, for life. Heriot : 1 porker, value 12d. and so sold in the court. Fine: 12d. Increased rent: 1d. Pledges : Hugh de Fellegh, William atte Felde.

CHOBHAM. ff. 223r. v., 224r. v., 225r.

1666. Admission of John de Grenhurst to place of land surrendered by Agnes, daughter and heir of Elias de Grenhurst. to cultivate place within 2 years. In bondage. Fine: 12d. Increased rent : 1/2d. Pledges: John le Tornour, Thomas Whytewelle.

1667. Note that since place of meadow of 1 acre 1 rood in Frimley which Stephen atte Wode once bought from John Wellyng, serf, was taken into lord’s hands because John, son and heir of Stephen, claimed to hold it freely after death of father, now, at intervention of certain friends, the Abbot grants it to John in villeinage, but he must not alienate it 0r sell it, otherwise the Abbot will take it away again. Fine : 12d. Pledges : Robert Vpehulle, John le Mareshal.

1668. Admission of William, son of John Wellyng, to place of purpresture 1 rood, surrendered by Agnes, daughter of Elias de Grenhurst. Fine: 12d. Increased rent: 1d. Pledges: Henry Gibbe, Robert atte Marsshe.

1669. Admission of Ralph de Whytewelle to messuage and curtilage in Frimley surrendered by John Cuttemere and Alice, his wife. As this is last land which Cuttemere holds, he pays 12d. for heriot. In bondage. Fine: 5s. Increased rent : 1d. Pledges : Henry Gibbe, John Hobbe.

1670. Admission of Walter atte Frythe and Johanna, his wife, to cottage and curtilage of 1 acre once of Pynnes and 2 acres heath at Holefot, held by his late son William. Heriot: none because he had no goods inside the demesne. Fine: 6s. 8d. Remainder to Walter, his son. Pledges : John atte Frythe, William atte Mulle.

1671. Admission of John atte Marsshe to cottage and curtilage held in bondage by late father Henry. Heriot: sheep value 12d., which remains in the manor. Fine: 2s. Pledges: Henry Vpehulle, Robert atte Marsshe.

1672. Admission of Ralph atte Stonhulle to messuage and virgate of serf-land held by late mother, Alice. Heriot: mare value 9s. Fine 60s. Pledges: John le Marchal, John atte Wyle, Thomas Whytewelle, John le Turner, Robert atte Hacche.

1673. Admission of Beatrice, daughter of John Whytepayn, to 2 cottages and 2 curtilages with piece of land of 1/2 acre surrendered by her father, who has one cottage and curtilage back for life, with remainder to Beatrice. Fine: 40d. Pledges: Robert Payn, Walter atte Mulle.

1674. Note that Thomas de Whytewell enclosed a place of 1 rood in Frimley next Faunygate on S. in bondage. Fine : 6d. Increased rent : 1/2d.

1675. Admission of William, son of William de Wapshete, to parcel of purpresture at Wapshete, after death of father. Relief : 12d. Pledge Walter atte Brok.

1676. Admission of Walter, brother and heir of William, son of Walter atte Frythe, to place of pasture called Neleue, after death of brother. Father while he lives, can keep 1 cow with cows of Walter, Junior, in said pasture. In bondage. Fine : 5s.

1677. Note that Matilda, widow of William atte Byrchette, came with John Mayn, her husband, and quitclaimed for 2d. rent in name of dowry after death of William. The lord paid 12d. for quitclaim.

1678. Note that Robert le Taillor acknowledges owing relief of 5s. which was in arrears the whole time of the tenancy of John, son and heir of Walter atte Hurst, for 3 acres of moor at Myndbrug, to which John succeeded after death of Walter.. Pledge: Walter de Slappelegh.

1679. Note that John, son of Robert le Young acknowledges owing 5d. relief, for a place of meadow at le Young Throte whereof Robert de Crocford held 1/2 for a term of years. It contains altogether, 4 acres. Pledge: John atte Twychene.

1680. Note that Peter, son of Geoffrey de Cousshate acknowledges owing 3 1/2d. relief for place of pasture of 2 acres at Hoggele, whereof William le Shephurde and Matilda, his wife, daughter and heir of Peter de Cousshate hold half.

1681. Licence for exchange between John Grappe and William de Faledle; William gets 1/2 acre in Wydenersh, and John gets 1/2 acre in Puryhulle, in bondage. Fine: 2s. Pledge: each other.

1682. Admission of William atte Forde and Alice Jolyf to 1/2 house and 1/2 curtilage and 1/2 acre surrendered by Alice, with remainder to Juliana, daughter of Alice, in bondage. Fine: 2s. Pledge: Walter atte Mulle.

1683. Admission of William de Chalneye to place 4 perches by 3 perches at one headland and 2 perches at other, opposite gate of John Thurgys at Eston. Surrendered by Thomas de Chalneye and Christina, his wife, in bondage. Fine: 18d. Increased rent: 1d. and 4d. to tenement de Eston. To cultivate said place. Pledge : Thomas de Chalneye.

1684. Admission of Robert le Torner called atte Garston to rood next gate of Robert atte Marsshe, in bondage. Fine : 2s. Increased rent : 1d. and 6d. per annum to Robert atte Marsshe. Pledges : Robert atte Marsshe, Ralph atte Stonhulle.

1685. Admission of Robert, son of Henry le Eyr to messuage and virgate held in bondage by late father. Heriot : bull value 8s. Fine 50s. Pledges: Robert Vpehulle, John le Marchal, John le Torner, John de Bourstowe.

1686. Admission of Walter atte Mulle to place of land and pasture called le Mulleparrok, next Chabehammulle, surrendered by Ralph in le Lane, in bondage. Fine : 5s. Increased rent : 2d. Pledge : William atte Felde.

CHOBHAM. ff. 239v., 240r. v., 241r.

1779. Note that William le Shepherd holds 1 acre of purpresture at Hoggele, in right of his wife, Matilda, and acknowledges owing relief, of 3 1/2d. because she had not paid relief after death of Peter de Cousshate her father. Pledge : Bedell.

1780. Note that William, son of Walter atte Ok, acknowledges relief of 10d. for half a moor he holds at Myndebrugge, because he did not pay it when his father died. Pledge : John atte Twychene.

1781. Admission of John atte Hurst, Senior, to serf-land called Justiseslond, of 4 acres 2 buttes in Lytlewydenerssh, and 1/2 acre meadow at Fellegh, surrendered by Thomas atte Halle. To build a house within 2 years. Fine: 4s. Increased rent: 1d. Pledge: Adam atte Hurst. 1782. Note that Dionysia atte Oke, widow of Robert atte Oke, came by distraint and showed charter by which she bought 1 acre moor at Foghelbrok.

1783. Note that William, son of William [sic for Walter] atte Ok, acknowledged owing relief of 12d. after death of father, for place of moor 3 acres at Foghelbrok. Pledge : Thomas atte Twchene.

1784. Note that Alice, widow of Walter atte More comes and shows charter for place of purpresture at Foghelbrok of which William de Wopshate lately enfeoffed the said Walter and Alice. Heir to answer for heriot when Alice shall die.

1785. Note that John le Frythyere who held a messuage and virgate of serf-land in Frimley is dead. Heriot: none, because it was found in roll of court held Thursday after All Saints 13 Edward III, that Juliana, his wife, was joint tenant and that heriot is not payable until her death.

1786. Admission of Ralph, son of William atte Stone, to messuage and 1/2 virgate of serf-land held by late father. Heriot : none, because he had no goods. Fine : 4s. Pledges: Walter atte Mulle, William atte Felde, William atte Rythe, John atte Oke.

1787. Order made at previous court to take into lord’s hands 1 rood of serf-land which William Wade had sold to John le Webbe, freely without licence, and to answer for the issues to us. Now comes John le Webbe and makes fine for aforesaid place of purpresture in bondage 12d. Increased rent: 1/2d. Pledges: Robert Vpehulle, John le Tornor. 1788. Fine imposed on Edward Lumpray for marrying Emma, widow of William de Wassheforde, without licence: 13s. 4d. To hold land for life of Emma. Pledges: Hugh de Fellegh, William de Hoke.

1789. Payment by Thomas Wylecous of 12d. fine for a purpresture next his gate, on which he has built a house. In bondage. Rent: 1d. 1790. Payment by Thomas de Fellegh of 12d. fine to enclose a butte outside his gate ; in bondage. Rent: 1/2d.

1791. Admission of Agnes, daughter of John de Whytewelle, and Henry atte Wyle, to cottage and curtilage adjacent, surrendered by Agnes, widow of Elias de Grenhurst, in bondage. Fine : 2s. Increased rent : 1/2d. Pledges : John atte Wyle, Hugh de Whytewelle.

1792. Admission of William atte Lane to place of land, 3 perches by 2 perches next Chabehammulle surrendered by his brother, Ralph. Fine 12d. in bondage. Increased rent : 1d. and 1d. to tenement of Ralph at Christmas. Pledges : Ralph atte Lane, Adam atte Hurst.

1793 Plea of land between Ralph atte Lane, quer. and John, son of Stephen atte Groue, def. in respect of 3 roods of meadow at le Redelond. John did not come to court held Saturday after feast of St. John before the Latin gate, and land was taken into lord’s hands, and John given a day. Action continued by Ralph. Bedell answers that land in lord’s hands, and that John has been summoned by John atte Hurst and John atte Oke. They called him solemnly but he does not come. Decision made that Ralph shall recover land, and John in mercy. Ralph pays 2s. fine for land in bondage.

1794. Note that William de Fellegh, William Olof, John atte Hurst, Hugh Harefot, Robert Payn, Stephen atte Groue, William atte Hoke, and Walter de Westfeld are mainpernors for Simon de Wassheforde, to keep up his tenement at Wassheforde without damage and destruction and to restore it to order and fertility within the time specified by the lord, and by the Customary Tenants, under penalty of fortieture of land. Mainpernors to help in work in anything needed meanwhile.